
性爱宝典 译林版英语九年事上册 Unit 8 常识点梳理

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性爱宝典 译林版英语九年事上册 Unit 8 常识点梳理



金瓶梅在线播放1、be dressed like装饰成2、look for clues tosomething important寻找进犯某事的痕迹3、go missing丢了4、make notes on sb对某东说念主进行纪录5、tell the truth 说出真相6、an office workerof medium height 一个中等个办公室职员7、look untidy andnervous 看上去不整洁况且病笃不安的8、the scene of thecrime犯警现场9、somewhere else别的某个所在10、contact sb策动某东说念主11、be wounded witha knife 因一把刀子受伤12、bleed to deathas a result流血致死13、a well-paid job 一个高收入的使命14、be guilty of sth犯有..罪15、be charged withdoing sth被指控作念了某事16、breathe heavily=be out of breath气急破损17、offer a rewardfor sth为..提供一笔奖金18、the arrest ofsb= arrest sb逮捕某19、against the law违背法律against the advice of the doctor20、an elderlycouple 一双老汉妇21、have somethingto do with sth与某事关系22、check every tinydetail检查每个微细的细节23、a master atsolving crimes一个措置案件的群众24、popular amongteenagers在青少年中流行25、be not allowedby the law 不被法律允许26、commit the crime犯警27、any progress insth在某事上的任何发扬/高出28、report the crimeto the police向警方报案29、turn out事实是30、have nothing todo with sth与某事无关31、be in a hurry todo sth急匆忙去作念某事32、no criminalrecord 莫得犯警纪录33、a man of greatwealth= a wealthy man一个富足的男人34、six months inprison在监狱中六个月35、safety tips to对于…的安全窍门36、protectyourselves against crime保护你拒抗犯警37、be charged withtheft被控偷窃38、guard againstany possible danger around us把稳咱们周围任何可能的危急39、get along/onwith sb与某东说念主虚心相处40、do sth for aliving 以作念某事营生41、be under arrestfor sth因..而被捕42、find thecriminal 发现犯警43、be silly to dosth.= It's silly of sb.to do sth.某东说念主作念某事真傻44、morning、afternoon、evening如若有修饰辞修饰的时候 ,介词要用 on如若莫得修饰辞哄骗in【要点句型】1. Tom is an honest boy. He neverlies/tells lies.Tom是个敦厚的男孩,他从不撒谎2. The police are still looking for cluesto the murder.警方当今还在寻找这起谋杀案的痕迹。3. The fire is much more serious than weexpected.这场失火比咱们预期的要严重得多。4. Why are you dressed as a detective?你为什么打扮成一个考核?5. The police have made notes on everyone.巡警照旧给每个东说念主作念了笔录。6. Our maths teacher is of medium heightand a little bit fat.咱们的数学诚实中等身高,微胖。9、Since you haven'tfound your missing umbrella here somewhere else.既然在这儿没找到你丢失的伞,你最佳去其他所在望望。10、The lostchildren were last seen playing by the river.有东说念主临了看见那些失散的孩子在河畔玩耍。11、We haven't foundout whether the murder took place last night or this morning.咱们还未弄澄澈这起谋杀案是发生在昨晚如故今天清晨。12、The man waswounded with a knife and bled to death.阿谁男东说念主被刀刺伤,流血致死。13、The police arechecking the scene for more clues to the crime.巡警正在检查现场,查找更多关系此案的痕迹。14、Did you seeanything unusual on your way home?在你回家的路上你看到任何不寻常的事了吗?15、The police haveconfirmed that the victim was a 20-year~old college student.警方照旧阐发受害者是一个20岁的大学生。16、Tim might havesomething to do with the murder.Tim可能和这个谋杀案关系系。17、The boy isbreathing heavily as he has just fought with others.阿谁男孩正呼吸急促因为他刚和别东说念主打了一架18、The man ( whowas) guilty of computer crime was found dead in his home.这个犯有电脑方面的罪的男人被发现死在家中。19、Yesterday a manwith a mask broke into the shop and took away the money.昨天有个戴面具的男东说念主闯入商店,拿走了钱。20、I want to findsomewhere quiet to have a rest.我念念找某个悠闲的所在休息一下。21、A reward of 5000yuan will be offered to the winner of the competition.五千元东说念主民币的奖励将赐与此次比赛的班师者。22、It turned outthat he was in a hurry to take the underground at that time.原本他那时正急遽赶去坐地铁。23、More than oneperson insists/ insisted that the man had nothing to do with the trafficaccident.不啻一个东说念主坚称这男人与此次的交通事故无关。24、Are you the ladywho/ that bought a wool skirt in our shop yesterday?你便是昨天在咱们店里买了一条羊毛短裙的那位女士吗?25、This is the bestmovie (that) I have ever seen.这是我看过的最佳的一部电影。26、He has reportedthe crime ( which/ that ) his boss committed to the police.他照旧向警方告讦了他雇主犯的罪。27、The police arechecking for clues which/ that may help solve the case.巡警正在寻找大致匡助措置案件的痕迹。28、Remember to shutthe windows before you leave,will you?谨记走之前关窗,好不好?好的,我会的。29、The girl who hasknown the victim for a long time has no criminal record.这个照旧判辨受害东说念主很长技术的女孩莫得犯警纪录。30、Carrying a lotof money with us can be dangerous.咱们随身捎带大宗的钱会很危急。31、Do you know howlong the man of great wealth was in prison?你知说念这个富足的男东说念主坐过多久的牢吗?32、This is the onlyway (that) I can think of to solve the problem.这是我能念念出的惟一措置问题的主义。33、They didn'trealize that the house was broken into until they found some valuable jewels wasstolen直到发现一些可贵珠宝被偷了他们才意志到屋子被闯入了。34、He told us whathe did for a living before.他告诉了咱们他往常是作念什么保管生活的。35、It 's necessaryto get along well with the neighbors.和邻居虚心相处是很有必要的。36、The man who wasonce in prison for 2 years is the murderer.这个曾坐过2年牢的男东说念主是凶犯。37、his is thenecklace that I've looked for a month.这便是那条我找了一个月的项链。38、They have comeup with a plan to guard against water pollution.他们照旧念念出了一个议论来把稳水稠浊。39、It's against thelaw to break into others' houses.闯入他东说念主家中是犯法的。40、Do you know thatman who is in a hurry to work?你判辨阿谁正急遽赶去使命的男东说念主吗?41、The crime casewhich/ that happened last night has nothing to do with me.这个昨晚发生的案件与我无天。【要点语法】 收尾性定语从句的关系代词1.在复合句中, 定语从句用来修饰一个名词或代词。 其中被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词。定语从句频频出当今先行词之后,由关系词引出。如:He is the man who I saw yesterday.他便是我昨天见的阿谁东说念主。2.常见的关系代词有 who,which 和 that。他们所代替的先行词是示意东说念主或物 的名词或代词,并在从句中充任主语、宾语、定语等因素。(1)关系代词 who 指东说念主,在定语从句中作东语或宾语。如:Yesterday I helped an old man who lost hisway.昨天我匡助了一位迷途的老东说念主。 (2)关系代词 which指物,在定语从句中作东语或者宾语。如:The building which stands near my school isa supermarket.位于我的学校旁边的那幢大楼是一家超市。 (3)关系代词 that 指东说念主时,非常于 who;指物时,非常于 which。当其在定语从句中朽木难雕时可不详。如:Mary likes music that is soft.玛丽可爱关注的音乐。 在含有定语从句的复合句中, 如若关系代词作从句的主语, 则从句中谓语动词的东说念主称和数与先行词保抓一致。如:Now we have ten classes which learn French.当今咱们有十个学法语的班。He is a man who is of value to the people.他是一个故意于东说念主民的东说念主。 3.定语从句中 that 和 which的差别(1)不可用 that,只可用 which①非收尾性定语从句中,即逗号之后;②介词背面不可用 that,只可用which。This is the village which we visited lastsummer.这是咱们旧年夏天参不雅的乡村。Is this the bookshop from which you boughtthe book?这是你买这本书的书店吗?(2)只可用 that,不可用 which①先行词是不定代词,包括 all,anything,nothing,the one,much,little 等。如:Have you taken down everything that Mr Leehave said?你记下李先生说的扫数的事情了吗?②如若先行词中出现了 the only,the very等。如:This is the only way that we can think out.这是咱们大致念念出的惟一的表情。③如若先行词中出现了序数词和刻画词最高等。如:This is the best film that I have everseen.这是我也曾看过的最佳的电影。④如若先行词中既有东说念主,又有物。如:They are talking about the school and theteachers that they visited yesterday.他们正在探求昨天他们观察的学校和诚实们。 本站仅提供存储劳动,扫数本色均由用户发布,如发现存害或侵权本色,请点击举报。

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